Art > Whale Series

Woman in the belly of a whale. Jonah in the whale. Gouache. Spiritual journey.
Gouache on paper
Woman on beach, sunset, whale diving below surface. Gouache. Spiritual journey.
Gouache on paper

Shortly after Oregon was locked down in March of 2020 due to the pandemic, I was playing with images about a whale and a woman. These images had been emerging for years in my collages and drawings. I have long felt a strong, deep connection with whales, especially the Humpback whales who migrate to Hawaii each winter to give birth. As I worked on these paintings, I could see that they tell a story. They could be read as a pandemic journey. To me, though, they represent something more enduring: recurring cycles in a human life, Seasons of the Soul. These seasons became more visible in the pause imposed by the pandemic.

If you would like to see what I have written about each painting in Seasons of the Soul, click on a painting. You can then scroll through each painting in the series with my comments.